Why Mental Pictures Can Sway Your Moral Judgment
NPR: When we think about morality, many of us think about religion or what our parents taught us when we were young. Those influences are powerful, but many scientists now think of the brain as
Slow Thinking Is Wise Thinking
Nobel Prize-winning psychological scientist Daniel Kahneman called US President Barack Obama a “slow thinker.” That may sound like an insult, but it’s actually high praise. In his latest book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, Kahneman describes
Psychological Scientists Honored for Improbable Research
For the second year in a row, research published in Psychological Science is being recognized with the, erm, prestigious Ig Nobel Psychology Prize for scientific achievements that “first make people laugh, and then make them
Know it all? Or perhaps you’re suffering from ‘hindsight bias’
The Telegraph: Now it is the braggarts’ turn to be found out. Scientists claim to have established that, far from being super-sleuths, such people are usually deluded. Researchers found that they are suffering from “hindsight
Edward Maibach on the Sticky Problem of Misinformation
“When it’s really important to educate the public about an issue, the most reliable means we have is simple, clear messages repeated often by a variety of trusted sources,” says Edward Maibach, Director of the
Wanneer liegen we? (When are you thinking are we?)
Express: Mochten we af en toe over wat meer tijd beschikken, we zouden minder liegen. Tot die conclusie komen Shaul Salvi (Universiteit van Amsterdam), Ori Eldar (Ben Gurion University) en Yoella Bereby-Meyer (Ben Gurion University).