Going With Your Gut
The Wall Street Journal: Eyewitness identification of criminals is often mistaken, but a new, rapid-fire technique for asking people to finger culprits appears to improve accuracy, a study from Australia shows. Subjects saw short films
Investigadores completan una definición precisa sobre el aburrimiento (a precise definition of boredom)
ABC España: Investigadores canadienses han conseguido un nuevo estudio que revela con mayor precisión el proceso mental que produce el aburrimeinto. Según una nota de prensa de la Universidad de Guelph, muchas personas ven el
Looking Out for #1 Can Make You Happy, If You Have No Choice
We are, at our core, social creatures and we spend considerable time and effort on building and maintaining our relationships with others. As young children, we’re taught that “sharing means caring” and, as we mature
Testing Can Be Useful for Students and Teachers, Promoting Long-Term Learning
Pop quiz! Tests are good for: (a) Assessing what you’ve learned; (b) Learning new information; (c) a & b; (d) None of the above. The correct answer? According to research from psychological science, it’s both
Därför skrattar vi åt hemska saker (That’s why we laugh at terrible things)
Sveriges Television: Humorns beståndsdelar Kan man skämta om vad som helst? Den frågan har komiker ställt sig i alla tider. Nu visar ny forskning att det funkar att gå över gränsen. Men bara lite. Komikern
Psycho-Trick fördert gesundes Verhalten (Psychological trick promotes healthy behavior)
Der Spiegel: Salat? Oder doch Currywurst und Pommes? Die Wahl des Mittagsessens kann durch einen Kniff überraschenderweise beeinflusst werden. Möglich wird das durch ein grundlegendes psychologisches Konzept – nämlich, wie stark Menschen Körper und Geist