Psychologie: rêvasser stimule la créativité (daydreaming stimulates creativity)
Le Huffington Post: Vous culpabilisez parce que vous avez passé l’après-midi à rêvasser? Pas de panique. Sans le savoir, vous étiez peut-être en train de résoudre un problème. D’ailleurs, cela vous est peut-être déjà arrivé.
The Golden Years of Emotion
Are you a working parent who constantly feels stressed and irritated? Do even little events make you angry, causing you to snap at your partner or colleagues? Do you rarely get a moment of relaxation
What’s Good, When, and Why?
Promising new work in emotion regulation suggests that the means by which we decide how to regulate what we feel — and even recognize our own emotions — might be the most productive areas for
Self-Affirmation Enhances Performance, Makes Us Receptive to Our Mistakes
Life is about failure as much as it is about success. From the mistakes we make at work or school to our blunders in romantic relationships, we are constantly reminded of how we could be
True Blue Stands Out in an Earthy Crowd
The New York Times: For the French Fauvist painter and color gourmand Raoul Dufy, blue was the only color with enough strength of character to remain blue “in all its tones.” Darkened red looks brown
Daydreaming Boosts Creativity, Study Suggests
The Huffington Post: Permission to daydream, granted. A new study in the journal Psychological Science shows that allowing your mind to wander might actually be good for your creative prowess. Researchers from the University of