What Are Animals Thinking?
PBS: We humans have long wondered how animals see the world—and us. Does your dog really feel shame when it gives you that famous “guilty look?” What is behind the “swarm intelligence” of slime mold
The Brain: Forgetting So We Remember, Avoiding Overload
ABC: We accumulate so many memories that it’s a wonder our brains don’t clog, strangling us on the trivia of our daily lives. How do we recall the memories that are important to us without
For Word Learning, Size Matters If You’re A Dog
Scientific American: In 1988, a three-year-old child is led into a brightly colored testing room in a psychology department in Bloomington, Indiana. A small toy is brought out and put onto a table in front
Simple Strategy Helps You Learn from Mistakes
Yahoo: A new study in Psychological Science bears out this benefit of self-affirmation. Volunteers were first asked to rank six values in order of importance to them. Then half spent five minutes writing about why
Neuroscience Fiction
The New Yorker: In the early nineteen-nineties, David Poeppel, then a graduate student at M.I.T. (and a classmate of mine)—discovered an astonishing thing. He was studying the neurophysiological basis of speech perception, and a new
Exam success makes children happy, argues Michael Gove
BBC: In the speech, the minister is expected to refer to the work of the American cognitive scientist Daniel T Willingham whom he cites as one of his biggest influences. Quoting from Mr Willingham’s book