Courtroom Justice
Scientific American: In another feature in the issue, a psychologist and a lawyer team up to show how psychological science can improve the accuracy of courtroom decisions, preventing miscarriages of justice in which the wrong
The Power of Concentration
The New York Times: Meditation and mindfulness: the words conjure images of yoga retreats and Buddhist monks. But perhaps they should evoke a very different picture: a man in a deerstalker, puffing away at a
Let’s Make a Deal: The Psychological Science Underlying Compromise and Negotiation
Tense negotiations in Congress over the “fiscal cliff” have focused public attention on the art of compromise — or lack thereof. From deciding who washes the dishes to figuring out how to avoid the fiscal
Kazdin Receives Lifetime Achievement Award
Alan E. Kazdin was awarded the 2012 Career/Lifetime Achievement Award at the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) 46th Annual Convention in November. Kazdin, who is John M. Musser Professor of Psychology at Yale
Rubin Honored by Aarhus University, Denmark
In 2012, APS Fellow and Charter Member David C. Rubin, Duke University, received an honorary degree from Aarhus University, Denmark, at a ceremony attended by Queen Margrethe II. Rubin has been connected to Aarhus University
Big Data Has Left the Station
President’s Note: A big difference in the academy today compared with the academy we knew 25 years ago is the emergence of interdisciplinary approaches to research and scholarship. While there are a number of reasons