Lisa Leslie
University of Minnesota www.csom.umn.edu/faculty-research/lmleslie/Lisa_Leslie.aspx What does your research focus on? In my research, I use a social cognition perspective to understand issues related to diversity in organizations. More specifically, I am interested in people’s tendency
Cristine Legare
Director of the Cognition, Culture, and Development Lab The University of Texas at Austin www.cristinelegare.com What does your research focus on? My work reflects my commitment to interdisciplinary approaches to the study of cognitive development.
Kurt Gray
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill www.mpmlab.org What does your research focus on? I study 1) how people perceive the minds of others 2) how people make moral judgments and 3) the link between
Wolfgang Gaissmaier
Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Harding Center for Risk Literacy, Germany www.mpib-berlin.mpg.de/en/staff/wolfgang-gaissmaier What does your research focus on? Broadly speaking, I study how people make decisions under risk and uncertainty. How do people perceive
Eliza Bliss-Moreau
University of California, Davis www.elizablissmoreau.com What does your research focus on? The goal of my research program is to understand the biological underpinnings of affect and emotion, with a particular focus on the mechanisms that
Nicholas Turk-Browne
Princeton University www.princeton.edu/ntblab What does your research focus on? The research in my lab seeks to understand key components of cognition, such as perception and memory. These components are often studied in isolation, with a