Verschwörungstheorien: Was Faktenleugner bewegt (Conspiracy: Fact Deniers)
Der Spiegel: Die überwältigende Mehrheit der Klimaforscher ist sich einig, dass sich das Klima verändert und dass vom Menschen verursachte Kohlendioxidemissionen diesen Prozess beeinflussen. Trotzdem wird in der Öffentlichkeit heftig darüber gestritten – und so
Mindfulness Training Boosts Test Scores
Pacific Standard: Studies reporting the benefits of mindfulness training keep rolling in—not quite with the regularity of those distracting thoughts that keep popping up in your head, but at a good clip nonetheless. The latest
Sleeping Like a Baby, Learning at Warp Speed
The Wall Street Journal: Babies and children sleep a lot—12 hours a day or so to our eight. But why would children spend half their lives in a state of blind, deaf paralysis punctuated by
How to Get Beyoncé Out of Your Head: The Scientific Solution
The Atlantic: Here are, in no particular order, some of the songs most likely to get stuck in your head when you hear them. Apologies in advance. – “Single Ladies” – Beyoncé – “Alejandro” –
Remembering Edward E. Smith
Our friend, colleague, and extraordinary scholar, Edward E. Smith, passed away August 17, 2012, at the age of 72. Most recently, he was the William B. Ransford Professor of Psychology and the William B. Ransford
April 2013 Rising Stars
In March, APS Began a multi-part series profiling Rising Stars in psychological science. This month, we highlight more young luminaries poised to revolutionize the field. In upcoming issues we will continue to profile these outstanding