Blood Vessels in the Eye Linked With IQ, Cognitive Function
The width of blood vessels in the retina may indicate brain health years before the onset of dementia and other deficits.
Integrated Classroom: Mind-body Interactions
In previous decades, cognitive psychology has focused on the mind to the exclusion of the body. More recent research has begun to demonstrate the interaction between physical actions and mental processing through areas such as
Parkinsonian Executive Dysfunction Is Associated With Reduced Serotonin
Executive function was examined in mice lesioned with MPTP. MPTP did not affect baseline performance of the tasks. When challenged with shorter cue durations, reaction times were slower in lesioned mice. When pre-cue times were
Who’s (Socially) Smarter: The Dog or the Wolf?
Science: Since they split from wolves, domestic dogs have changed in many ways. Unlike their wild ancestors, they’re comfortable around humans, pay close attention to us, and follow orders—at least sometimes. That social intelligence is
Does McDonald’s have too many items on the menu?
Marketplace: McDonald’s is reportedly paring down its menu. That’s according to a recent Bloomberg story that cites email from McDonald’s to some franchisees. McDonald’s menu now has 145 items, according to Bloomberg, citing menu researcher
Revision techniques – the good, the OK and the useless
BBC: Revision charts, highlighter pens and sticky notes around the room are some of the methods people use to ensure information stays in their mind. But now psychologists in the US warn many favourite revision