Drug Ad Side Effects List Helps Sell Product
Scientific American: Medications come with long lists of potential side effects. Now a study finds that the litany of unpleasant consequences does not deter prospective purchasers. In fact, those warnings might actually increase drug sales.
How a Radical New Teaching Method Could Unleash a Generation of Geniuses
Wired: José Urbina López Primary School sits next to a dump just across the US border in Mexico. The school serves residents of Matamoros, a dusty, sunbaked city of 489,000 that is a flash point
Future Seems Closer than the Past
Inside Science: Sometimes the day seems to drag on and time can’t move fast enough. Other days, time seems to fly by and time gets away from us. In general, people experience time as moving
Do Cigarette Warnings Actually Increase Smoking?
Refinery29: We’ve all been susceptible to reverse psychology. But who needs those mind games when it comes to our physical health? Now, the latest confusing information we need to overcome are findings from a new
The Why Factor: Swearing
BBC: Why do a few, select words have such power to shock and offend? With help from swearing historian Melissa Mohr, Mike Williams traces the history of taboo language from Roman times to the present
The Limits of Memory for Witnesses of Crime
Pacific Standard: Armed robbery. Bank hold-ups. Sleight-of-hand shoplifting. While not all of these crimes are violent, what they all have in common is the sudden, stressful position they can often put eyewitnesses and victims in—namely