Why Lottery Dreams Are Good for You–and Your Business
Inc.: With the Mega Millions jackpot set to top $550 million for tomorrow night’s drawing, you’ve probably given some thought to what you might do with the winnings. Done the right way, research shows this kind
Test Prep Doesn’t Help Raise Intelligence Scores
Scientific American: Young American students take a variety of standardized tests. But the ways that students are educated so that they’ll do well on such tests presents a problem. The preparation increases what’s called crystallized
Study: Test-score gains don’t mean cognitive gains
The Washington Post: In a finding that should give pause to backers of standardized test-based school reform, a new study by neuroscientists at three major universities shows that students who achieved the highest gains on standardized tests did
Missing From Science Class
The New York Times: A big reason America is falling behind other countries in science and math is that we have effectively written off a huge chunk of our population as uninterested in those fields
Music makes you smarter. Right? Actually, it doesn’t, Harvard study finds
The Boston Globe: True or false? Music makes you smarter. Contrary to popular belief, a study—led by a Harvard graduate student who plays the saxophone, flute, bassoon, oboe, and clarinet—found no cognitive benefits to music
Le sexe dans la pub? Les femmes disent non, sauf pour des marques de luxe (Sex in advertising? Women say no, except for luxury brands)
Slate: Le sexe vend, beaucoup. Mais le sexe dans la pub ne plaît pas à tout le monde, particulièrement pas aux femmes qui perçoivent ces pubs comme dégradantes, voire insultantes. Néanmoins, ce sentiment de répulsion