How You Practice Matters for Learning a Skill Quickly
Practice alone doesn’t make perfect, but learning can be optimized if you practice in the right way, according to new research based on online gaming data from more than 850,000 people. The research, led by
Zyklisches Denken hilft beim Sparen (Cyclical thinking helps savings)
ORF Austria: Weihnachten ist nicht gerade die beste Zeit, um sich Gedanken übers Sparen zu machen. Während das Weihnachtsgeld direkt in Geschenke, Punsch und Skiausflüge investiert wird, schaffen es die Wenigsten, noch ein paar Ersparnisse
Why Does Time Fly as We Get Older?
Scientific American: Another year; another Christmas around the corner. The conversation around the watercooler these days has evolved into the annual “where has the time gone?” discussion—how quickly the neighborhood kids have become high school
If You Can’t Take the Heat, Get Out of the Kitchen
Until now, I could honestly say that I have been impressed by psychological publications, at times bored, at other times pleased, but until this issue, rarely would I use the term embarrassed to describe my
Remembering Daniel M. Wegner
Dan Wegner was many things — a psychologist, a colleague, and a dear friend. But of all the things he was, inventor was first and foremost. No matter how wrinkled and flabby the two of
Meditation May Help Us Cut Our Losses
There are certain things that are notoriously hard for us to do: Leaving the theater halfway through a terrible movie, deciding to quit a craft project that doesn’t look like it ought to, pushing away