Speed-Reading Apps Will Not Revolutionize Anything, Except Your Understanding
Pacific Standard: Spritz, a new speed-reading app company, suggests its technology will allow you to power through Atlas Shrugged in a day. The simple interface flashes one word of content at a time, at a
Schreiben ist besser als Tippen (Writing is better than typing)
ORF Austria: Wer sich bei Vorträgen und Seminaren Notizen macht, sollte eher zum Kugelschreiber denn zum Laptop greifen, empfehlen US-Psychologen: Handschriftliche Aufzeichnungen sind laut einer Studie gut fürs Gedächtnis. Computer im Uni-Hörsaal sind heutzutage allgegenwärtig
Take Notes by Hand for Better Long-Term Comprehension
Data suggest that taking notes by hand beats typing notes on a laptop for remembering conceptual information over time.
The new SAT: Aptitude testing for college admissions falls out of favor
The Washington Post: There’s a reason the College Board scrubbed “aptitude” from the name of its big admission test two decades ago. The idea of a Scholastic Aptitude Test left the organization open to criticism
Why We Keep Losing Our Keys
The Wall Street Journal: You’ve put your keys somewhere and now they appear to be nowhere, certainly not in the basket by the door they’re supposed to go in and now you’re 20 minutes late
ADHD Drug May Help Preserve Our Self-Control Resources
Methylphenidate, also known as Ritalin, may prevent the depletion of self-control, according to research published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science. Self-control can be difficult — sticking with a diet