New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Orthographic Coding in Illiterates and Literates Jon Andoni Duñabeitia, Karla Orihuela, and Manuel Carreiras Does literacy shape the way letter strings are visually processed? Literate and illiterate
Denn wir wissen nicht, was wir sagen (For we know not what we say)
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Wenn wir einen Satz sagen wollen, geht diesem im Idealfall ein Gedankenprozess voraus. Diese Gedanken wandelt unser Gehirn in Sprache um und anschließend kommen mehr oder weniger kluge Sätze aus unseren Mündern. Es
Bonnes notes (Good Notes)
LeMonde: Je sortais d’une conférence cahier et stylo à la main, quand une nouvelle réconfortante s’est affichée sur l’écran de mon téléphone « intelligent ». Selon Pam Mueller et Daniel Oppenheimer, respectivement chercheurs en psychologie
Daydreaming—You Are Doing It Wrong. How To Make Your Fantasies More Productive
Fast Company: Daydreaming often gets a bad rap. In a world focused on being as efficient and productive as possible, distracted mind wandering seems like a blatant waste of time. Fantasies alone can actually be
Apps Intended to Speed Up Reading Rate May Reduce Comprehension
The Washington Post: Readers of this space learned a few weeks ago about Spritz, an app that promises to dramatically increase your reading speed by converting text to a fast-moving sequence of individual words or phrases. Because
Things You Cannot Unsee (and What That Says About Your Brain)
The Atlantic: The idea of the emblem is obvious: This is an illustration of a trophy with an abstract soccer ball on top. The colors—green, yellow, and blue—mirror the host country’s flag. Now consider this tweet