How Cyclical Thinking Might Help You Save Money
Pacific Standard: Whether it’s a lack of decent-paying jobs or an advertising-induced confusion between wants and needs or a propensity to spend without simultaneously practicing the refined art of saving, many Americans reside in financially
Increase Savings with a Cyclical Mindset Towards Time
Lifehacker: Think of time as a set of cyclical experiences instead of a linear goal-oriented approach. That shift in your mindset could end up increasing your short-term personal savings, according to findings published in the
How You Practice Matters for Learning a Skill Quickly
Practice alone doesn’t make perfect, but learning can be optimized if you practice in the right way, according to new research based on online gaming data from more than 850,000 people. The research, led by
Zyklisches Denken hilft beim Sparen (Cyclical thinking helps savings)
ORF Austria: Weihnachten ist nicht gerade die beste Zeit, um sich Gedanken übers Sparen zu machen. Während das Weihnachtsgeld direkt in Geschenke, Punsch und Skiausflüge investiert wird, schaffen es die Wenigsten, noch ein paar Ersparnisse
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Racial Progress as Threat to the Status Hierarchy: Implications for Perceptions of Anti-White Bias Clara L. Wilkins and Cheryl R. Kaiser Researchers have found that perceptions of
Applying Psychology to Public Policy
This month’s guest columnist is David Halpern, Director of the United Kingdom’s Behavioural Insights Team. This innovative team provides a model for other countries demonstrating how psychological science can be utilized to inform government