You’re Expecting the Wrong Things to Make You Happy
Inc.: If you want to take a selfie to record a happy moment, you’ll probably reach for your phone at that awesome concert you’ve been dying to see or on a memorable night out with an
Sich an Alltägliches erinnern macht Freude (Remember everday is fun)
ORF Austria: Von den vielen Dingen, die wir tagtäglich erleben, ziehen die meisten einfach vorbei: die Vorbereitung des Frühstücks, der Weg zur Arbeit, der Tratsch mit den Kollegen, usw. Nur besondere Erlebnisse werden in der
Don’t just photograph life’s highlights, study suggests
The Boston Globe: We assiduously document life’s obvious highlights: Our cellphones are filled with photos of the first day of school, graduations, weddings, and birthdays. A new study by a team of Harvard Business School
Hooray for the Mundane! Ordinary Memories Are the Best
TIME: Never mind those dreamy recollections of your fab trip to Rome or that perfect night out last Valentine’s Day. Want a memory with some real sizzle? How about that time last week you went
The Hazards of Going on Autopilot
The New Yorker: At 9:18 P.M. on February 12, 2009, Continental Connection Flight 3407, operated by Colgan Air, took off from Newark International Airport. Rebecca Shaw, the first officer, was feeling ill and already dreaming of the
Great Apes Share Our Ability to Predict Goal-Oriented Actions
Within a year after birth, human infants develop the ability to direct their attention to the anticipated goal of another person’s movement, before it has occurred. So, for example, our eyes move to where we