Negative Outcomes Spur the Depressed to Say ‘I Saw It Coming’
Did you see that coming? Wasn’t it just bound to happen? It is often difficult to recall how we initially felt about an event or outcome, knowing what we know about how things turned out.
People Favor Highly-Reviewed Products, Even When They Shouldn’t
We often rely on the ratings and reviews of others to help us choose a product or service, but we sometimes use this information in ways that can actually work to our disadvantage.
Cognitive Abilities Seem to Reinforce Each Other in Adolescence
Scientists from Cambridge, London, and Berlin directly compared different proposed explanations for the phenomenon of ‘general intelligence’ and how it develops over time.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring associative learning of social value in groups, age-related changes in performance as a function of experience instead of cognitive decline, and mind wandering in daily life.
How Taking Photos Affects Your Memory of the Moment Later On
New York Magazine: Recently I transferred a stash of photos from my iPad to my computer. As the hundred-some photos flashed by on the screen, I found myself reliving the full panoply of emotions from
‘Light’ Words Play with Pupils
Upon reading or hearing words associated with light and dark, peoples’ eyes behave like they are experiencing light and dark, according to a new article published in Psychological Science.