Spülung für die Seele
Süddeutsche Zeitung: Wer sich wäscht, fühlt sich auch frei von Schuld Wenn sich Menschen waschen, reinigt das auch ihre Seele. Mit dem Wasser verschwinden die schlechten Gefühle ebenfalls im Abfluss, berichten die Psychologen Spike Lee
Pain At The Plate: Heat Increases Pitcher Retaliation
NPR: Richard Larrick has been bothered by something for two decades. “Twenty years ago, I’d done a paper with some graduate students just showing that in hotter temperatures, pitchers are more likely to hit batters
When Can Making Medical Decisions Be Hazardous to Your Health?
Huffington Post: “Take two aspirin and call me in the morning” may be really good advice after all. That’s because a doctor’s decision-making abilities may be related to the time of day. Making decisions, choices
Envy May Bear Fruit, but It Also Has an Aftertaste
The New York Times: Why envy? It seems to be the most useless of the deadly sins: excruciating to experience, shameful to admit, bereft of immediate pleasure or long-term benefits. To an evolutionary psychologist, there’s
When Should You Avoid Dealing With Emotions?
Huffington Post: One of the cornerstones of alcoholism recovery is what’s called “emotional sobriety.” The idea is that alcoholics and other addicts, if they hope to stay sober over the long haul, must learn to
Slimmer door sneller brein
Metro Nieuws: Waarom neemt de intelligentie in onze tienerjaren eigenlijk toe? Wetenschappers komen met een antwoord. In de puberteit krijgt niet alleen ons lichaam een radicale make-over, maar verandert ook ons brein. Zo hebben wetenschappers