Sue Shellenbarger answers readers’ questions
The Wall Street Journal: Q: Regarding your column on how IQ can change over one’s lifetime, how can I find more information on the effects of musical training on cognitive skills at various ages? M.J.P.
Leaning to the left makes the world seem smaller
NewScientist: If something has gone down in your estimation, check your stance. Leaning to the left encourages people to underestimate everything from the height of buildings to the number of Michael Jackson chart-toppers. To find
OppNet Request for Applications for Three-year Research Projects: Basic Research on Decision Making(R01)
OppNet, NIH’s Basic Behavioral and Social Science Opportunity Network, released a new RFA for three-year research projects: Basic research on decision making: Cognitive, affective, and developmental perspectives (R01). Basic research on decision making: Cognitive, affective
38th Annual Meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology
The 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for Philosophy and Psychology will be held June 21-24 at the University of Colorado at Boulder. For more information visit: http://www.socphilpsych.org/meetings.html
Sorry, Ritalin’s not going to make you smart
The Toronto Star: Popping pills won’t boost your brainpower if you have average or above-average intelligence, according to a new paper published by the Association for Psychological Science. “Are you going to be able to
Ritalin and Other Cognitive-Enhancing Drugs Probably Won’t Make You Smarter
Scientific American: On Monday, I put up a post on whether we would ever be able to upload our brains into a computer, merging ourselves into the great digital Singularity that would provide us with