En entreprise, culpabiliser est une vertu (In business, guilt is a virtue)
Le Monde: On se sentait coupable de se sentir coupable. Cette éternelle impression que l’on aurait pu mieux faire — éviter une erreur comme d’avoir blessé quelqu’un inutilement, une gaffe, mieux se comporter vis-à-vis de
Daydreaming really is the key to solving complex problems
The Telegraph: Daydreaming really is the key to solving complex problems, a new study has found. Some of the most important scientific breakthroughs ever made – by everyone from Einstein to Newton – came about
Your Secret Weapon for More Self-Control
Men’s Health: Struggling to stay on task at work? Gargle some Gatorade. Swishing a sugary beverage in your mouth can help boost your self-control, says a recent study published in the journal Psychological Science. Researchers asked
Avere la “testa fra le nuvole” stimola la creatività (Having the “head in the clouds” stimulates creativity)
La Stampa: Sognare a occhi aperti non è più da considerare un “male” ma, secondo un nuovo studio, è sintomo di creatività. Al contrario di quanto avviene in chi invece sta, per così dire, con
Wandering Minds Are Associated With Aging Cells
Scientific studies have suggested that a wandering mind is linked with unhappiness, whereas a mind that is present in the moment is linked with well-being. Now, a preliminary study suggests a possible connection between mind
New Research on Memory From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research on memory published in the November 2012 issue of Psychological Science. Retrieval-Induced Forgetting Predicts Failure to Recall Negative Autobiographical Memories Benjamin C. Storm and Tara A. Jobe Failure to retrieve memories