How Attention ‘Deficits’ May Actually Benefit Kids
Forbes: Children’s attention has been the subject of a lot of discussion in the last few decades, and its “deficits” the cause of much frustration, contention and, in many cases, medication. A new study from
Children Notice Information That Adults Miss
Adults are good at remembering information they are told to focus on, while young children tend to pay attention to all the information presented, even when they were told to focus on one particular item.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring the emergence of abstract grammatical categories in children’s speech, the development of a sense of body ownership, and adaptable categorization of hands and tools among prosthesis users.
The Cognitive Upside of Aging
Big Data involving thousands and thousands of participants is enabling researchers to track the development of different cognitive skills across the lifespan with increasing accuracy. And the results of these studies bring light to some surprising — and perhaps heartening — findings about the aging brain.
There’s Another Big Window for Learning After Childhood
New York Magazine: Children rightly have a reputation for being little knowledge sponges, absorbing all the information that’s around them. But if you happen to not be a child, take heart: There’s new evidence that
Preschoolers’ Expectations Shape How They Interpret Speech
When someone misspeaks or forgets a word, we use our past experience with language to hear what we expect them to say — research suggests 4- and 5-year-old children show this adaptive ability to the same degree that adults do.