When Guilt Is Good
A few years ago, researchers in Germany set out to plumb the moral consciences of small children. They invited a series of 2- and 3-year-olds to play with a marble track in a lab. Close Visit Page
Competing for Attention
Research is uncovering the various and sometimes overwhelming distractions that children face during a period when they have some of their most important learning to do. Visit Page
Taking Playtime Seriously
Play is a universal, cross-cultural and necessary attribute of childhood, essential for development and essential for learning. Experts who study it say that play is intrinsic to children’s natures, but still needs support and attention Visit Page
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research reexamining links between smile intensity and longevity, exploring mothers’ responses to infant distress cues, and early predictors of number-system knowledge. Visit Page
Cognitive Abilities Seem to Reinforce Each Other in Adolescence
Scientists from Cambridge, London, and Berlin directly compared different proposed explanations for the phenomenon of ‘general intelligence’ and how it develops over time. Visit Page
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of new research exploring perceived misalignment between limb and body movement and links between schooling and children’s cognitive control. Visit Page