Keep a One-Sentence Journal, Be Happier
New York Magazine: Ever since I can remember, my grandma has kept a daily journal. Not a “Dear Diary,” emotion-filled journal — just a couple of lines jotting down what she did that day and
The Value of Remembering Ordinary Moments
The Atlantic: At Christmastime, my brother, my father, and our chocolate Labrador pile into the car to drive across the state of Washington to see my grandparents. We’ve been doing it since I was born.
Memories of Pain During Childbirth Tied to Intensity Rather than Length of Labor
Childbirth is physically intense and, for many women, it is the most painful experience they will have. And yet, new research shows that the amount of time a woman spends in labor doesn’t seem to
Give Yourself a Present for the Future
Pacific Standard Don’t feel like you have the time to keep a diary or bury a time capsule? You might be missing out, according to psychologists at Harvard Business School: The joy of rediscovering something even
You’re Expecting the Wrong Things to Make You Happy
Inc.: If you want to take a selfie to record a happy moment, you’ll probably reach for your phone at that awesome concert you’ve been dying to see or on a memorable night out with an
Sich an Alltägliches erinnern macht Freude (Remember everday is fun)
ORF Austria: Von den vielen Dingen, die wir tagtäglich erleben, ziehen die meisten einfach vorbei: die Vorbereitung des Frühstücks, der Weg zur Arbeit, der Tratsch mit den Kollegen, usw. Nur besondere Erlebnisse werden in der