New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring: cognitive bias modification to target two behaviors; positive affect as a buffer between chronic stress and emotional disorder symptoms; reward sensitivity and trait disinhibition as predictors of substance use problems; and culture as a mediator between appraisals and PTSD symptoms. Visit Page
Debiasing Your Decisions
Game-based debiasing training may help us overcome confirmation bias in our professional lives. Visit Page
Teaching Current Directions in Psychological Science
“The Case for Implicit Associations: Teaching Students What Lurks Beneath Their Awareness” by Nathan DeWall and “Can Cognitive Flexibility be Learned?” by Cindi May and Gil Einstein. Visit Page
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research articles exploring new insights into cognitive behavior therapies and cognitive processes associated with rumination and depression. Visit Page
Binary Bias Distorts How We Integrate Information
When we evaluate and compare a range of data points, we tend to neglect the relative strength of the evidence and treat it as simply binary. Visit Page
The Cognitive Biases Tricking Your Brain
I am staring at a photograph of myself that shows me 20 years older than I am now. I have not stepped into the twilight zone. Rather, I am trying to rid myself of some Visit Page