Can Leadership Potential be Predicted at Age 10?
New research concludes that the foundations of leadership may be laid early in life, suggesting that our cognitive abilities as children strongly influence our odds of moving up the corporate ladder as adults. Analyzing data
At What Age Does Your Brain Peak?
Pacific Standard: Sports writers will tell you that athletes peak in their 20s, after which point their skills quickly erode. Most other things in our lives—our careers, for example—take a good deal more time to develop.
Older Workers Possess Unique Cognitive Strengths
Although some abilities tend to decline over time, new research finds that other cognitive skills actually improve with age. Scientists have long known that our ability to analyze novel problems and reason logically, also known
Is Bilingualism Really an Advantage?
The New Yorker: In 1922, in “Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus,” the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein wrote, “The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” The words that we have at our disposal affect what we
Bilingual Studies Reveal Flaw In How Info Reaches Mainstream
NPR: A host of studies and popular reports tout the cognitive benefits of being bilingual. Is that because being bilingual has mental benefits, or because the science is biased? You know, there’s a theory that
Writing Your Way to Happiness
The New York Times: The scientific research on the benefits of so-called expressive writing is surprisingly vast. Studies have shown that writing about oneself and personal experiences can improve mood disorders, help reduce symptoms among cancer patients