Frontiers of Psychological Science: An Interview with Eveline Crone
An eminent psychological scientist and APS Fellow is now heading up behavioral science at one of the European Union’s largest science funders.
Fake News Can Give Us False Memories, Study Finds
In the years following the 2016 election, we’ve all slowly become aware of how widespread misinformation is, as well as the extent to which Big Tech has largely turned a blind eye to it. What
Fake News Can Lead to False Memories
Voters may form false memories after seeing fabricated news stories, especially if those stories align with their political beliefs, a study shows.
PAC Up Your Research at NSF!
The Perception, Action, & Cognition program of the National Science Foundation has issued a special note to psychological scientists and others, correcting myths and misperceptions that some may have about NSF funding and encouraging scientists to apply for support.
Adapting Into the Future
Humans’ unique cognitive abilities emerged from a cycle of interactions between brain, culture, and environment, says Atsushi Iriki.
Myth: Subliminal Messages Can Change Your Behavior
Discussion of this myth provides rich opportunities to integrate topics across research methods, memory, cognition, sensation and perception, and social psychology.