New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research on anger, attentional control in PTSD, factors on psychopathology, perception in schizophrenia and autism, publication of research with minoritized groups, well-being and cognition, perseverative thought, and adolescents’ technology use.
Inside Grants: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Keiko Ishii, an associate professor in the Graduate School of Informatics at Nagoya University, received her first JSPS research grant in 2000.
NSF Grant Submission Deadlines
Psychological scientists looking to apply for funding from the US National Science Foundation may be interested in upcoming 2021 deadlines.
New Content From Current Directions in Psychological Science
A sample of articles on extremism, the development of cognition, psychopathology and diagnosis, culture in animals, prediction biases, scams, market cognition, motor and language development.
Cats Take ‘If I Fits I Sits’ Seriously, Even If The Space Is Just An Illusion
If you’ve spent any time around cats, you’ve probably noticed that they love to curl up in small, cozy boxes. What you may not know is that they’ll also go sit inside the two-dimensional outline
The Creative Genius Within: Learning From Leonardo
Leonardo da Vinci’s creative approach made use of general psychological processes common to every human being.