Childhood bullying may lead to social, health issues in adulthood
CBS: Being bullied as a child may have long-lasting repercussions that can follow into adulthood. A new study published in Psychological Science on Aug. 19 shows that being bullied as a youth was linked to Visit Page
Children bullied in school may have more problems as adults
Los Angeles Times: Bullying doesn’t end in the school yard, but casts a shadow across adulthood, when victims are far more likely to have emotional, behavioral, financial and health problems, a new study suggests. Those Visit Page
Kids Involved in Bullying Grow Up To Be Poorer, Sicker Adults
NPR: Bullied children and kids who bully others have more health problems when they grow up than kids who aren’t part of the bullying cycle, a study finds. They’re also more likely to have financial Visit Page
Mobbing schlägt dauerhaft auf die Gesundheit (Bullying has long-term consequences for health)
Die Welt: Wer in seiner Kindheit von Gleichaltrigen gemobbt wurde, hat nach einer neuen Studie oft auch noch als Erwachsener mit den Folgewirkungen zu kämpfen. Nach der am Montag vom US-Fachmagazin “Psychological Science” veröffentlichten Untersuchung Visit Page
Far From Being Harmless, the Effects of Bullying Last Long Into Adulthood
Serious illness, struggling to hold down a regular job, and poor social relationships are just some of the adverse outcomes in adulthood faced by those exposed to bullying in childhood. Visit Page
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Clinical Psychological Science: Dorthe Berntsen and David C. Rubin The prevalent view of posttraumatic stress disorder suggests that people have trouble voluntarily recalling autobiographical memories of traumatic events but Visit Page