Q&A With Dieter Wolke
Dieter Wolke is a professor in the Department of Psychology and Division of Mental Health & Wellbeing at the University of Warwick, UK. His research focuses on social and emotional development, specifically school and sibling Visit Page
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Clinical Psychological Science: Childhood Adversity and Cumulative Life Stress: Risk Factors for Cancer-Related Fatigue Julienne E. Bower, Alexandra D. Crosswell, and George M. Slavich Fatigue is a side effect Visit Page
La separazione aumenta il rischio di depressione, ma solo per alcune persone (divorce increases the risk of depression, but only for some)
La Stampa: La separazione o il divorzio in una coppia sono eventi particolarmente stressanti, che possono portare a problemi mentali – specie in chi è più sensibile. Tra i diversi problemi di salute mentale cui Visit Page
Diagnosing Self-Destruction
NPR Science Friday: Suicide kills twice as many people as murder each year in the United States, and rates in the military recently surpassed those among civilians. But while scientists have identified some risk factors Visit Page
Diagnosing Self-Destruction
NPR: And also, Matthew Nock is professor in the Department of Psychology at Harvard in Cambridge. Welcome to SCIENCE FRIDAY, Dr. Nock. … NOCK: We know there’s no simple answer, and as you were highlighting Visit Page
Consolidated Standards for Reporting Trials (CONSORT)
Get involved in the development of a new reporting guideline for social and psychological interventions! An international initiative of researchers, journal editors, and stakeholders in intervention studies is working with the Consolidated Standards for Reporting Visit Page