Mothers’ Symptoms of Depression Predict How They Respond to Child Behavior
Depressive symptoms seem to focus mothers’ responses on minimizing their own distress, which may come at the expense of focusing on the impact their responses have on their children, according to research published in Psychological Visit Page
APS Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions
The APS Board of Directors is pleased to announce the 2014 recipients of the APS Janet Taylor Spence Award for Transformative Early Career Contributions. The award recognizes the creativity and innovative work of promising scientists Visit Page
Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to Address National Council for Behavioral Health Conference
Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and political legacy Patrick Kennedy are among the 300 speakers at the 2014 National Council for Behavioral Health Conference and Hill Day, May 5–7 in Washington, DC. The Visit Page
Suicide Prevention Sheds a Longstanding Taboo: Talking About Attempts
The New York Times: The relationship had become intolerably abusive, and after a stinging phone call one night, it seemed there was only one way to end the pain. Enough wine and pills should do Visit Page
Treatment Tracker
One of the biggest challenges psychotherapists face is deciding on the appropriate treatment for individual patients. Wolfgang Lutz is an internationally recognized researcher on psychotherapy, and is leading the field in collecting important data about Visit Page
Researchers Make Strides in Early Diagnosis for Autism
It’s World Autism Awareness Day, an annual celebration in which autism organizations across the globe engage in fundraising and educational events to raise public understanding of the developmental disorder. And it falls in the wake Visit Page