Exploring Infant Cognition
Many of today’s developmental psychologists defend the hypothesis that “babies are smarter than we think” — a lot smarter than we think, explained Nora Newcombe of Temple University during her APS William James Fellow Award
The Importance of Psychological Research at NICHD
Many psychological scientists who have conducted research for some time have a home or favorite funding agency. Mine is the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). Although NICHD supports
Help Children Form Good Study Habits
The New York Times: When it comes to helping with homework, education and psychology research suggests that it all depends on how parents become involved. What is essential is that parents focus on supporting students’ motivation. Parent help
Schon Zweijährige unterliegen dem Gruppenzwang (Even two year olds are subject to peer pressure)
Die Welt: Wenn Kleinkinder auf dem Spielplatz erfolglos versuchen, auf ein hohes Klettergerüst zu kommen, dann haben sie recht schnell eine Idee, wie das Problem zu lösen ist: einfach mal gucken, wie die anderen Kinder
The debate about spanking children is over. It’s just wrong.
The Washington Post: U.S. sports continue to struggle with the controversies surrounding Ray Rice’s domestic violence case, and the arrest of Slava Voynov on suspicion of domestic violence. But what has not been a matter of debate
A Multilevel Perspective on Child Maltreatment
For children, the effects of sexual, physical, and emotional abuse, and of physical neglect, continue long after the maltreatment ends. Over the past 35 years, Dante Cicchetti, McKnight Presidential Chair and William Harris Professor of