What Children Lose When Their Brains Develop Too Fast
The great Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget used to talk about “the American question.” In the course of his long career, he lectured around the world, explaining how children’s minds develop as they get older. When
The Marshmallow Test: Bunkum or a True Predictor of Future Success?
You know those times when you try to share a favorite movie, band, or restaurant with friends, and they just don’t get it? For mysterious reasons, you can’t refashion the moment for them as you
Why Children Learn Better Than Adults
Young children seem uniquely, insatiably, marvelously curious, even at risk of life and limb. You might think that this drive to explore helps children to learn so much so quickly. But is it really true
New Content From Perspectives on Psychological Science
A sample of articles on childhood adversity, habit formation and mental illness, implicit bias, teleological reasoning, article length, choice and losses, and psychological science in the wake of COVID-19.
How a Facebook Whistle-Blower Is Stoking the Kids’ Screen Time Debate
The latest burst of recriminations directed at social media emphasizes the harm that can be done to teenagers. Frances Haugen, a former Facebook Inc. product manager turned whistle-blower, says executives at Facebook are aware of
California Will Require Large Retailers to Provide Gender-Neutral Toy Sections
California became the first state in the nation Saturday to adopt a law requiring large retail stores to provide gender-neutral toy sections under a bill signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom. The new law, which takes