L’affetto dei nonni allunga la vita ai nipotini
Salute 24: Avere i nonni accanto fa vivere di più i nipoti: nelle famiglie in cui sono presenti più generazioni, infatti, anche in situazioni difficili la possibilità di sopravvivenza dei più piccoli è maggiore. È
Capacity for Commitment May Start in Early Childhood
MSN Health: The ability of men and women to have staying power and a strong level of commitment in their romantic relationships can be traced back to their early childhood and adolescence, a new study
How To Spot A Commitment Phobe
Marie Claire Australia: A new survey to be published in the June issue of Psychological Science reveals that a commitment phobe may be easier to spot than you think. According to scientists at the University
Early Bonds Predict Ability to Commit
Discovery News: The ability to commit to a romantic partner may be more rooted in childhood and adolescence than previously thought, according to research to be published in the journal Psychological Science next month. Though
Les liens forts entre enfants et grands-parents
Yahoo Quebec: Des chercheurs de l’Université Edith Cowan en Australie se sont penchés sur le lien précieux existant entre un enfant et ses grands-parents. On remarque en effet dans nos sociétés la place importante que
Want Lasting Love? It’s Not More Commitment, but Equal Commitment That Matters
It’s not partners’ individual commitments that make the most difference in how well they address conflict, but rather how well their levels of commitment match up.