Like Mama Bears, Nursing Mothers Defend Babies With A Vengeance
Women who breast-feed are far more likely to demonstrate a “mama bear” effect — aggressively protecting their infants and themselves — than women who bottle-feed their babies or non-mothers, according to a new study in
Why that book changed your life
National Post: The claim that a book can change someone’s life is one that’s made over and over again. Usually, we brush it aside as a cliché, but what if it was actually possible? The
Psicologia: Gli Anziani Sono Davvero Piu’ Saggi. Studio Spiega Perche’
Agenzia Stampa Quotidiana Nazionale: Prendere decisioni giuste? Con l’avanzare degli anni si acquista la capacita’ di decidere per il meglio, almeno per quanto riguarda le scelte sul lungo termine. A sostenerlo e’ uno studio pubblicato
Four Year Olds Know That Being Right is Not Enough
As they grow, children learn a lot about the world from what other people tell them. Along the way, they have to figure out who is a reliable source of information. A new study, which
Influence Your Child’s Palate Before Birth
ABC News: Want to instill in your child a love of vegetables? Start early. Very early. New research by the Monell Chemical Senses Center finds mothers can influence a baby’s palate and food memories before
Recognizing voices harder for people with dyslexia
USA Today: Pick up the phone and hear, “Hey, what’s up?” Chances are, those few words are enough to recognize who’s speaking — perhaps unless you have dyslexia. In a surprise discovery, researchers found adults