Mischel, Others Honored at Bipartisan ‘Golden Goose’ Event
APS Past President Walter Mischel and two other psychological researchers were among the 2015 Golden Goose Award winners honored last month at a gala ceremony at the Library of Congress in Washington, DC. The award
Passing Down Psychopathology
Researchers have long known that, much like physical traits, characteristics of mental health and mental illness can be passed down through family trees, moving from one generation to the next. Longitudinal studies and new forms
Using Time to Understand Behavioral Development
Life moves steadily in one direction, but the thoughts, feelings, and decisions that make up our existence are often best examined over varying timelines. A memory begins to form in a matter of moments and
Young Children’s Self-Control and the Health and Wealth of Their Nation
Longitudinal data collected from thousands of participants from New Zealand and the United Kingdom show that childhood measures of self-discipline predict everything from personal income to the pace of physiological aging in adulthood, APS Fellow
Workplace Support Helps Parents Make More Time for Their Kids
Between juggling responsibilities at home and the office, working parents often report feeling stressed over conflicting demands on their time. Employees who were part of a new study on reducing work-family conflict reported spending significantly
Predicting Psychosis
In the search for new ways to prevent and treat mental illnesses, scientists are refining their understanding of the interplay between environmental factors and brain development in these disorders. Elaine F. Walker has been instrumental