Why Teenagers Act Crazy
The New York Times: Adolescence is practically synonymous in our culture with risk taking, emotional drama and all forms of outlandish behavior. Until very recently, the widely accepted explanation for adolescent angst has been psychological.
How to Get Your Kids to Tell the Truth
New York Magazine: Only a social scientist would look at a classic, beloved children’s story about the importance of honesty and ask, “I wonder if this is an empirically effective way to reduce lying in
Thirteen in Years, but 10 or 15 in Thoughts and Action
The New York Times: Gather together a random assortment of 13-year-olds, and you’ll likely find yourself looking at a group of people who have only their age in common. Some will be way into teenage
Relevant? Nurturing? Well, So’s Your Old Man
The New York Times: When our young daughters first decided to play on top of our Honda minivan, parked in our driveway, my wife was worried. But to me, it seemed no less safe than
Why Free Play Is the Best Summer School
The Atlantic: Most schools across the nation have marked the end of another academic year, and it’s time for summer. Time for kids to bolt for the schoolhouse doors for two long months of play
Classroom Decorations Can Distract Young Students
Scientific American: Remember your kindergarten classroom? The maps on the wall, the charts of the seasons on bulletin boards, the alphabet over the blackboard? I know I spent hours staring at the brightly colored decorations—and