On Collaborations: The Opportunities
When is a good time to collaborate on a research project instead of going it alone? APS President Suparna Rajaram offers some thoughts to help you decide.
Medical Professionals Benefit from Self-Directed ‘Job Crafting’
Employees can shape their environments to improve their experience at work and their performance.
NSF Releases 2018 Science & Engineering Indicators Report
The US National Science Foundation (NSF) has released its most recent Science and Engineering Indicators Report, one of two congressionally mandated biennial reports, on the state of science and engineering investments and the workforce in the US and abroad.
Gaining Influence in Your Career
In the wildly popular musical Hamilton, by Lin-Manuel Miranda, one of the highlights is a number sung by Aaron Burr, titled “The Room Where It Happens.” In it, Burr bemoans the fact that Alexander Hamilton
How to Highlight Job Skills on a Resume
Your resume is not about you. Sure, it has your name at the top and it traces your career progression. But to serve its true purpose – securing you a great job – it can’t
Linking Personality with Organizations, Occupations, and Income
Two recent studies highlight how personality and occupations intertwine.