Professional Development: Effectively Sharing Your Research with the Media
Long-time journalists Kim Elsesser and Gideon Lewis-Kraus share tips for researchers to consider as they seek out coverage for their research.
Open Communication and Varied Career Opportunities for New PhDs
Opening up communication between students and advisors can lead to more honest and realistic career discussions, especially about nonacademic opportunities.
Professional Development: How to Turn Your CV into a Resume
Learn how to frame your skills for the specific needs of an industry job in this webinar.
Professional Development: Initiating and Sustaining Global Collaborations
This Professional Development webinar features a panel discussing forming and maintaining international collaborations as well as participating in international Big Team science.
Supplementary Webinar: NSF GRFP Info Session for Applicants
This session offered an overview of NSF’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program, which includes applicant eligibility, application process and components, as well as the review criteria.
Supplementary Webinar: Becoming a Reviewer for the NSF GRFP
This session offered an overview of NSF’s Graduate Research Fellowship Program, the requirements of becoming a reviewer, and the National Science Board’s Merit Review Criteria.