What We Have and Haven’t Learned
In psychological science, as in other sciences, it is difficult to establish broadly consequential conclusions beyond reasonable dispute. It therefore sometimes seems that we make no progress at all; however, when I look back on Visit Page
The Minimum Description Length Principle
Both as scientists and in our everyday lives, we make probabilistic inferences. Mathematicians may deduce their conclusions from their stated premises, but the rest of us induce our conclusions from data. As scientists, we do Visit Page
Psychological Science and Viewpoint Diversity
There is broad consensus within the community of researchers in psychological science that ethnic and gender diversity are good for the science. APS works hard, as a matter of policy and conviction, to promote that Visit Page
Licensure for Clinical Scientists: A Critical Issue for Psychological Scientists
APS Past President Robert Levenson explains why clinical training and licensure are some of the most important issues facing psychological scientists. Visit Page
APS and Open Science: Music to Our Ears
From most of the press accounts of the ambitious project on reproducibility in psychological research published in Science this past summer, one would not have learned that, under the leadership of APS, psychological science has Visit Page
Bayes for Beginners 3: The Prior in Probabilistic Inference
In this, the final column in a series on Bayes for Beginners, C. Randy Gallistel explains the role of prior distributions in deciding between competing conclusions that might be drawn from experimental data. For more Visit Page