Michael Gazzaniga: “Who’s in Charge: Free Will and the Science of the Brain”
The Diane Rehm Show: Recent research in neuroscience suggests that much of what we do is hard wired.It’s tempting to believe that further research will eventually demonstrate that physical properties of the brain fully control
New Evidence of an Unrecognized Visual Process
We don’t see only what meets the eye. The visual system constantly takes in ambiguous stimuli, weighs its options, and decides what it perceives. This normally happens effortlessly. Sometimes, however, an ambiguity is persistent, and
Why Does Music Move Us?
“There’s nothing in a sequence of notes themselves that creates the rich emotional associations we have with music,” says psychological scientist Daniel Levitin. So why does music trigger profound emotional experiences? When we listen to
Tips agar Otak Anda Tokcer
Metro TV News Indonesia: Beberapa kondisi lingkungan mampu merangsang otak menjadi lebih baik atau buruk. Dengan alasan itu, anda harus mengetahui segala hal yang berada di lingkungan yang dapat memperbaiki kemampuan dan kekuatan otak anda.
The Psychological Science Behind an Oops Moment
Over the last week or so, the phrase “brain freeze” has taken on a new meaning and caused a bit of media frenzy – first over Rick Perry’s debate flub on television, followed immediately by
Why you forgot what you were just doing
msnbc: Have you ever walked into a room and realized you don’t remember what you’re doing there? Yeah, us too. Well thankfully science finally explains why: It’s the doorway’s fault, a new study finds. “When