Mental Illness Is Brain Illness
Huffington Post: You voted, and this December, we are talking nerdy about the science of mental health. In last week’s video introduction, I stated that “we now know that the mind does not exist somewhere
Atmospheric Disturbances: On Michael Gazzaniga
The Nation: We live in the age of the fMRI machine, dazzled and bamboozled by pictures of brains “lighting up” in living Technicolor. Before these neuroscientific glory days, the mysteries of the mind had to
Why some people never seem to forget a face
MSN India: Face recognition is an important social skill but not many of us are equally good at it, reveals a study. Researcher Jia Liu along with colleagues from Beijing Normal University have demonstrated how
Ways to Inflate Your IQ
The Wall Street Journal: Many people think of IQ as a genetic trait, like brown eyes or short legs: You’re born with it and you’re stuck with it. Now, a growing body of research is
Le 20éme Prix de Neuropsychologie Jean-Louis Signoret de la Fondation Ipsen est attribué au Pr. Patricia K. Kuhl
Yahoo! France: Le jury international, présidé par le Pr. Albert Galaburda (Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA), a décerné le 29 novembre 2011 le 20ème Prix de Neuropsychologie Jean-Louis Signoret de la Fondation Ipsen (20.000€) au Pr.
Global Psychological Science at Its Best
Pursuing big questions in psychological science is an international effort. APS recently co-sponsored programs featuring cross-cutting research presentations by some of the most distinguished scientists in the field. World-class psychological scientists came together to share