Anche il riposo è utile al cervello (Rest is also useful to the brain)
Corriere della Serra: Sempre di corsa, presi da mille impegni, senza mai un attimo per noi stessi. È la vita degli adulti ma anche, purtroppo, quella di tantissimi bambini sballottati fra scuola, corsi sportivi, lezioni
Who’s Honoring Me Now?
The Colbert Report: Scientists from Canada and New Zealand research a little world-changing concept Stephen tossed off on his first show in 2005. Watch here: The Colbert Report
Games to Sharpen the Brain
The Wall Street Journal: If two start-ups have their way, videogames might cure more than just boredom. They could also be used to treat attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Akili Interactive Labs Inc. of Boston, formed by
Solving For X, Among the Neurons
Huffington Post: I have a fence that needs scraping and painting, and I’m pretty sure I can do the whole job in six hours. My friend Jack, who is an experienced painter, wants me to
Disharmony in the Land of Nod
The most compelling personal memoirs—Tobias Wolff’s This Boy’s Life, Mary Karr’s The Liars’ Club, and others—are not happy stories. They are recollections of childhood adversity, and rarely are they triumphant survivors’ tales. The most honest
How to Spot Pseudoneuroscience and Biobunk
When it comes to pseudoscience, social psychologist and writer Carol A. Tavris is a self-appointed curmudgeon. “I have spent many years lobbing hand grenades at psychobabble — that wonderful assortment of pop psych ideas that