Playing It Too Safe?
The Wall Street Journal: The child who insists on running up the slide at the playground is doing it for a good reason. Chances are he’s uninspired and trying to create more of a challenge
Neuroscience: Under Attack
The New York Times: This fall, science writers have made sport of yet another instance of bad neuroscience. The culprit this time is Naomi Wolf; her new book, “Vagina,” has been roundly drubbed for misrepresenting
Using Just 10% of Your Brain? Think Again
The Wall Street Journal: Pop quiz: Which of these statements is false? 1. We use only 10% of our brain. 2. Environments rich in stimuli improve the brains of preschool children. 3. Individuals learn better
23rd Annual Neuroscience Conference
Baycrest presents the 23rd Annual Neuroscience Conference Brain Plasticity and Neurorehabilitation March 4-6, 2013 Westin Harbour Castle Hotel, Toronto ON Canada. Details at http://research.baycrest.org/conference
Wie man aus Fehlern lernt (How to learn from mistakes)
ORF Austria: “Self-Affirmation” heißt eine Theorie, die der US-amerikanische Psychologe Claude Mason Steele in den 80er Jahren vorgestellt hat. Sie geht davon aus, dass Menschen die Integrität ihres Selbstwerts aufrechterhalten, obwohl dieser von widrigen Einflüssen
Self-Affirmation Enhances Performance, Makes Us Receptive to Our Mistakes
Life is about failure as much as it is about success. From the mistakes we make at work or school to our blunders in romantic relationships, we are constantly reminded of how we could be