In the Human Brain, Size Really Isn’t Everything
The New York Times: There are many things that make humans a unique species, but a couple stand out. One is our mind, the other our brain. The human mind can carry out cognitive tasks
Breaking Bad Habits
Cross-cutting addiction research is leading to individualized treatments. It also may help identify people most at risk for relapse.
What Your Brain Sees May Not Be What You See
National Geographic: According to research published in the journal Psychological Science, our brains pick up on images that we never consciously perceive. Volunteers were shown a series of black-and-white images while hooked up to an
The Remarkable Human Self
Roy F. Baumeister acknowledges that some researchers who ground their work in molecules, genes, or the neural architecture of the brain may not believe in the concept of the self. Scientists have learned enough about
Your brain sees things that you don’t
PBS: Your brain saw something in the black and white image above, even if you didn’t. According to a study published this week in the online journal Psychological Science, the brain processes and understands visual
Under Stress, We Ignore the Negative Possibilities
When people under stress are making a difficult decision, they may pay more attention to the upsides of the alternatives they’re considering and less to the downsides, studies show..