New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: I Think, Therefore Eyeblink: The Importance of Contingency Awareness in Conditioning Gabrielle Weidemann, Michelle Satkunarajah, and Peter F. Lovibond Associative learning in humans is thought to be
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: The Evaluative Advantage of Novel Alternatives: An Information-Sampling Account Gaël Le Mens, Yaakov Kareev, and Judith Avrahami People often rate new items more favorably than old items.
New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Clinical Psychological Science: The Economics of Losing a Loved One: Delayed Reward Discounting in Prolonged Grief Fiona Maccallum and George A. Bonanno Prolonged grief (PG) is a syndrome marked
How Our Brains Respond to Race
The Wall Street Journal: When Barack Obama was elected president, there was talk of how America was becoming a post-racial society. Yet the news suggests abundantly that this is not the case. Why is progress
New Research From Psychological Science
Read about the latest research published in Psychological Science: Neural Discriminability of Object Features Predicts Perceptual Organization Emily J. Ward and Marvin M. Chun In this study, participants viewed objects that varied in color, shape, and
Books to Check Out: January 2016
To submit a new book, email [email protected]. Brain Asymmetry and Neural Systems: Foundations in Clinical Neuroscience and Neuropsychology by David W. Harrison; Springer International Publishing, March 27, 2015. The Confidence Game by Maria Konnikova; Viking Books, January 12, 2016. Emotions