Bigger Brains Linked With Slightly Better Cognitive Performance
Using a larger dataset than all previous studies on the subject combined, researchers found a small connection between brain size and cognitive performance.
New Research From Psychological Science
New research exploring overlap between self- and other-oriented brain responses among altruists, spatial interference from linguistic cues, and brain structure and function in relation to action control.
For the first time, a neural link between altruism and empathy toward strangers
Giving up a kidney to a stranger requires a certain sense of selflessness, what’s come to be known in social science as extraordinary altruism. University of Pennsylvania psychologist Kristin Brethel-Haurwitz wanted to understand the connection
Myth: We Only Use 10% of Our Brains
This will prepare students to understand how all parts of the brain contribute to behavior.
Singing With My Grandbaby
I can’t explain the first song I crooned to my sleeping granddaughter, just hours old and bundled like a burrito in a hospital blanket and striped cap. Not Brahms, which would have been classy. Not
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring linguistic synchrony in providing emotional support, genetic contribution to variation in risk taking, and the role of biological motion in navigating a crowd.