New Research From Clinical Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring symptoms of mania in depression, sample sizes for studies of treatments for depression, brain activity related to psychopathic traits, and links between catastrophizing and PTSD.
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of research exploring neural processes underlying attention, collective emotions and resilience, and group-based deprivation and extremist beliefs.
Lisa Feldman Barrett Named a Guggenheim Fellow
APS President-Elect Lisa Feldman Barrett has been selected to receive the 2019 Guggenheim Fellowship in neuroscience.
Back Page: Decoding Decision Making, One Neuron at a Time
Researcher Daeyeol Lee uses methods from economics, neuroscience, and artificial intelligence to understand the brain’s ability to make decisions.
Adapting Into the Future
Humans’ unique cognitive abilities emerged from a cycle of interactions between brain, culture, and environment, says Atsushi Iriki.
A psychology experiment unexpectedly discovered a man who can’t cooperate because of brain damage
When someone’s especially cooperative, don’t thank their easy-going nature, but give credit to their brain. A team of New York University psychologists hypothesized that cooperation depends on the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DPC), an area of