APS Fellow Kroll Receives $2.8 Million from NSF to Study Bilingualism and the Brain
APS Fellow and Charter Member Judith Kroll, Director of The Center for Language Science, at Pennsylvania State University, has received a five-year, $2.8 million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Kroll, together with Co-PIs
The Brain Is Not an Explanation
The Huffington Post: “Brain scans pinpoint how chocoholics are hooked.” This headline appeared in the Guardian a few years ago above a science story that began: “Chocoholics really do have chocolate on the brain.” The
Mind Reading: How Our Brains Predispose Us to Believe in God
TIME: Psychologist Jesse Bering is best known for his often risqué (and sometimes NSFW) Bering in Mind blog for Scientific American, which examines human behavior — frequently of the sexual sort. But he’s also the
What bilingual babies reveal about the brain
MSNBC: One of the most fascinating windows scientists have into the human mind comes from watching babies learn to interact with the world around them. Janet Werker is a psychologist at Vancouver’s University of British
Need to Quit Smoking? Study Finds Self-Control Deep in the Brain
A war that consists of a series of momentary self-control skirmishes: That’s how a new study describes the process of pursuing goals such as quitting smoking. But using a novel research approach, the authors—Elliot Berkman
Revealing the Wiring that Allows Us to Adapt to the Unexpected
Wouldn’t life be easy if everything happened as we anticipated? Luckily we have the orbitofrontal cortex, the area of the brain that adapts to the unexpected to make and monitor predictions about the world. Patients