You can pay attention without actually doing so
Times of India: But a new study has found that they are not inextricably linked as previously thought, and are actually two separate things, that is, your brain can pay attention to something without you
A brain training exercise that really does work
University of Michigan: ANN ARBOR, Mich.—Forget about working crossword puzzles and listening to Mozart. If you want to improve your ability to reason and solve new problems, just take a few minutes every day to
Attention and Awareness Aren’t The Same
Paying attention to something and being aware of it seem like the same thing -they both involve somehow knowing the thing is there. However, a new study, which will be published in an upcoming issue
Depression linked to negative thoughts
Times of India: A new study has revealed that people suffering from depression get stuck on bad thoughts because they’re unable to turn their attention away. Such people keep brooding over a fight with a
El ejercicio mental que de verdad aumenta la inteligencia
ABC Espana: Ni autodefinidos, ni sudokus, ni música de Mozart ni lo último en complicados juegos electrónicos. La mejor manera de entrenar nuestro cerebro para aumentar realmente nuestra inteligencia es un pequeño ejercicio llamado «entrenamiento
Plan Your Way to Less Stress, More Happiness
TIME: A recent survey by psychologist and self-help author Robert Epstein found that 25% of our happiness hinges on how well we’re able to manage stress. The next logical question is, of course, how best