The Surprising Connection between Two Types of Perception
The brain is constantly changing as it perceives the outside world, processing and learning about everything it encounters. In a new study, which will be published in an upcoming issue of Psychological Science, a journal
Dlaczego czerwony to ostrzeżenie? Winna ewolucja
Polskie Radio: Traktowanie przez ludzi czerwieni jako koloru ostrzegającego o niebezpieczeństwie może mieć podłoże ewolucyjne – informują naukowcy na stronie “Psychological Science”. Czerwony kolor sygnalizuje niebezpieczeństwo, ale również dominację. Ale to nie tylko kulturowy zwyczaj.
Your first time… A new poll rates people’s most memorable events from kisses to mid-life crises
Daily Mail: That first kiss is regarded by many as a life-changing moment. But a new poll ranked it as seventh on a scale of people’s most memorable experiences. Over 2,000 people across the UK
Redd for rødt
Forskning Norway: Farger virker på oss, og rødt virker sterkest. Nå har forsøk med makake-aper vist at når vi ”ser rødt”, så er reaksjonen trolig impregnert i genene. Men rødt er ikke bare sinne. Rødt
Conflict Between the Mind and Body Helps People Think Outside the Box
Yahoo Finance: Think of the old saying, “grin and bear it.” Can forcing a smile really have a positive impact on how people see the world, even to the point of becoming more open-minded? According
You can pay attention without actually doing so
Times of India: But a new study has found that they are not inextricably linked as previously thought, and are actually two separate things, that is, your brain can pay attention to something without you