Brain Researchers Announce Plan to Create International Brain Initiative
To meet the challenges posed—and promises offered—by brain science, representatives from Australia, Japan, Korea, and the US have declared an intent to create an International Brain Initiative.
From Aging to Aging Well
What does it mean to age successfully? An interdisciplinary group of scientists share some findings from physiological and psychological perspectives.
Pioneering Brain Scientist Still Working at 99
You’re a preeminent neuroscientist, and a professor at Canada’s prestigious McGill University. At age 99, what motivates you to keep up your research at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital? I am very curious. Human quirks attract my interest. If you’re a
New Research From Psychological Science
A sample of articles exploring evaluative processing and amygdala activity, genomic imprinting and the psychology of music, and neural representation of color ensembles.
A Magnetic Field: Psychological Scientists Lead fMRI Labs
Once the domain of medical schools, brain imaging labs are increasingly interdisciplinary and thriving under the leadership of psychology departments.
Psychological Scientist Elected to Royal Irish Academy
APS Fellow J.A. Scott Kelso has been elected to the Royal Irish Academy, Ireland’s leading body of experts in sciences and humanities.